Apache Jumping Spider Captive Bred Spiderling


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The Phidippus apacheanus Apache Jumping Spider Captive Bred Spiderling is arguably the most attractive native jumper species in the United States. Adult males are very brightly colored, often two-tone and females are typically a yellow-tan to orangey-gray color. Leg coloration varies a bit from individual to individual too. Best of all, the species is strikingly colored through all stages of the life cycle. From sling to juvenile to adult, the variability in patterning and color from molt to molt will make you feel like you’ve had multiple pet spiders and these are as photogenic as they come!

Update 3/21: early 2025 egg sacs are hatching and slings are just starting to leave the sacs to hunt on their own. They need to molt a couple times before they are ready for you but we’ll update again in mid-April with a progress report here. Spiderlings will not be available for shipping until they are individually feeding well on fruit flies, although please note that they feed on fruit flies right out of the sac and we don’t ship them until they’ve molted a couple times and are beyond proven feeders on fruit flies for this reason. This very popular species will be back very soon! Please get on the waiting list via this page if you’d like to be notified when they are ready for shipping.

Even the young spiderlings of this species are absolutely striking and more colorful than any regal jumping spider of similar age ever is. Adult female photos are also shown on this page, though color in them is quite variable too.

Some food and caging products are listed below.

Be sure to read my Jumping Spider Care Sheet which covers everything from purchasing, to unboxing to care through the life cycle.

The prettiest US jumper? More photos on Bugguide through THIS LINK

Additional information

Weight .15 lbs


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