Habronattus clypeatus Male


1 in stock


Habronattus clypeatus is a common jumping spider species that ranges in the north from Montana and down into the SW US states, minus California, and into Mexico.

This is a small species of jumping spider and we feed them fruit flies, even at maturity, even though they could maybe take a house fly or other similarly sized prey at that point.

Large male specimens available. We offer females through another listing.

See photos on Bugguide.net

Note: We list them as H. clypeatus but in our area Habronattus dossenus also occurs and you can read at the following link that even experts have difficulty separating the two species and hybridization between them may also occur, which means that it is possible they are really subspecies of the same species and that science will eventually shine more light on this species complex. Bugguide.net


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Weight .10 lbs


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