Caddisfly Larvae


12 in stock


Caddisfly larvae collect small pebbles, slightly larger than a grain of sand, and build the characteristic tube around themselves for protection. They create a tube for themselves which both helps them blend in perfectly with the substrate of the creeks they are living in and protects them from predators like the third pig in Goldilocks that built its house out of bricks.

These larvae mostly occupy the lowest level of the aquarium, moving around rather actively and nibbling bits of plant material. Be careful if you have a gorgeous planted tank. They will nibble on your plants. They also eat decaying matter on the bottom, and algae.

Just a few shouldn’t do much damage to your plants but keep an eye on them to be sure.

If you’re not putting them in a planted tank you can supplement them with romain lettuce and bits of frozen vegetables.

They also climb plants in the tank which is both interesting and rather comical.

Wikipedia info on the Caddisfly



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Weight .1 lbs


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