Black Caterpillar Hunter


1 in stock


Black caterpillar hunters are very active predators and scavengers of other organisms. In captivity they will take pre-killed crickets, roaches, and mealworms and even nibble on dog food. These large beetles measure about an inch in length. Generally, they are referred to as genus Calosoma but their taxonomy is a bit of a tangle for non-specialists to wrap their minds around. Most or all of ours are probably Calosoma peregrinator.

They are fairly long-lived, though we never know how hold they are. Sometimes they will overwinter beneath the soil in your tank and then in spring suddenly pop back out. We keep them communally, which is a big plus for a predatory beetle. They seem to leave each other alone, picking off only the weak and dead.

One thing to be aware of is they have a defensive odor that might get on your hands if you try to handle them. This distinctive smell washes off…with some effort.


Additional information

Weight .15 lbs


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