Vivid Metallic Ground Beetle


1 in stock


The vivid metallic ground beetle is in the genus Chlaenius. Measuring in at 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch, these gorgeous beetles are active predators and scavengers in the tank. We keep them communally with our bombardier beetles, which are also ground beetles in the family carabidae.

Colors vary but most of the ones we ship are blue to green.

$4 each. Beetles are adults and so remaining life span is unknown.

See photos of the genus here on Bugguide.

In addition to dead insects, we often offer them fish food pellets or other dried pet foods (like dog or cat food). In a planted tank they seem to find food to eat and will also work as clean up crews to a degree as they eat fungus gnat larvae, pupae and eggs. We do recommend a moist substrate with something for them to hide under, like bark or leaves. These are ideal organisms for a paludarium tanks.

Additional information

Weight .1 lbs


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