Eleodes hispilabris Captive Bred


2 in stock


Eleodes hispilabris are a medium-sized darkling beetle species, often with distinctive lines in their elytra (fused wing covers). They cannot fly. Some specimens are narrower-bodied than others and this may be a character of their sex.

Available through this listing as captive-bred desert beetles.

Photos on Bugguide.net

These are captive bred darkling beetles, or tenebs. When we see larvae in our tanks where we isolate each species as adults, we pull them out as they get large. Once they pupate, it takes 2 to 4 weeks for them to emerge as adults beetles. Their exoskeleton then needs to dry for a a similar amount of time before we can list them.

Teneb is short for tenebrionidae. Tenebrionidae is the family of beetles that includes darklings, like various species of Eleodes, Stenomorpha, Argoporis and death feigning beetles. All of these beetles tend to do very well in communal tanks since they have the same habitat and feeding preferences.

A tank set up and care video from our Bugs In Cyberspace YouTube Channel…


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Weight .15 lbs


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