Orin’s Scrub Millipede


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Floridobolus orini is Orin’s scrub millipede. They’ve been been dancing around the edges of the hobby for a few years now. I’m happy to have this opportunity to offer them again. Orin McMonigle (friend and author of the pet millipede books) received a few odd looking millipedes several years ago from Florida. He sent them off to renowned millipede expert Dr. Rowland Shelley. He later confirmed that they were indeed two undescribed species. Orin had made remarks about their unusual shape–not quite round, but almost “football shaped,” being thicker in the middle of the body and tapering towards the ends and they grow to about 2 and a half inches. More info. on Wikipedia where both F. floydi and F. orini are mentioned.

Around 1 to 2 inches, unsexed.

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Weight .15 lbs


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