Dune Scorpion Smeringerus mesaensis

(1 customer review)


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The Dune scorpion Smeringurus mesaensis is one of the largest US scorpions. They are pale like the dunes they live in and graceful in their body lines. Venom is not considered medically significant to humans, but of course each person will react differently. Don’t get stung!

Medium to large specimens available, unsexed only. They grow to 3 inches from tip of claws to tip of tail.

Additional information

Weight .15 lbs

1 review for Dune Scorpion Smeringerus mesaensis

  1. John

    Amazing specimen, came in a hardy size. It is healthy and goes into feeding frenzy when it is time for food and a fun watch. Always a recommended site and seller.

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