Contact Bugs In Cyberspace
Most questions are answered on our Terms of Service page. Your purchase through this website is your acceptance to those terms. Please review that page before you email us about which shipping method to choose or our shipping schedule which is only Mon, Tues and Wed each week. You will see a tracking number when we ship.
You may send us messages to the following.
Upon ordering, each customer receives an order confirmation email. Then, after we ship, we send a "shipped" email with a tracking number. If you didn't get these check your spam/junk folder. And please consider the email address you ordered with (often your paypal one).
We have never taken phone calls and don't make them. If I took phone calls I'd be rambling on about bugs with the prior caller for an hour EVERY time and never get any work done.
Follow Us on Instagram where we have tons of fun posting new bug videos every day. @bugsincyberspace
Also, subscribe on YouTube at Bugs In Cyberspace for weekly contests and bug giveaways! The video below changes every week.
You're shopping online. To contact us, use the form below, or send an email to [email protected] just like people have been doing since I started this website in 1997.
-Peter Clausen